Friday, May 15, 2015

The Human Gallery has been Greenlit!

Hello! :)

That was quick as The Human Gallery got Greenlit in only a week!

There are some things you might want to do when you list your game on Steam Greenlight. One of the most important things is animated .gif file.

Try to show the gameplay and the logo. This will generate a lot more clicks to your page than what still image probably would. When people enter your page make sure the first thing they see is the actual gameplay footage of the game. If you have Greenlight trailer or something like that, arrange your videos so that you show the gameplay footage first. Trailers are cool, but the gameplay is more important!

It's also a very good idea to use images in description. Though I did a small mistake here, and inserted an image before any text. So when people hovered their mouse over my game they did not see the short description but an img tag. To avoid that make sure to describe your game briefly before adding images.

Alright, Finnish Steam here, but this is how it went:

From top to down it tells your current position on your way to the top 100, unique visitors and how many days your game has been on Greenlight, 'Yes'-votes and followers.

THG had 2412 'Yes'-votes and was in the top 50 when it got Greenlit, but since I was away from home I could not take any screen captures, sorry about that!

Wait what!? It got through with only a 2412 'Yes'-votes?
Indeed! Steam Greenlight has surely changed a lot!

It's not long when I listed my first game, Silence of the Sleep on Greenlight. It was a lot more harder to get to the top 100. For example back then SotS had 2000 'Yes'-votes in 3 days, and was only 27% on it's way to the top 100. It had a lot more visitors on it's page and back then it needed around 5500 'Yes'-votes to get Greenlit.

But the change with the figures does not come from the game, I actually think The Human Gallery was presented a way better than Silence of the Sleep. From what I can tell, Greenlight is "fading" away. Something else will take it's place for sure, but at this rate it won't take long.

Sure getting Greenlit is not only about the votes. Steam surely checks the press coverage, Youtube etc. Also having released a game earlier surely helps too. So yeah, if you list on Greenlight, be active with the press, Twitter, Facebook etc. Do it daily!

Alright, so THG got Greenlit in only a week! That's incredible, especially when I screw up my press/Youtube LP demo. I had a bug with my aspect code and I had to pull down the playable demo. Thus the coverage from the various medias was nothing to get excited about. Anyways, luckily THG was able to get through. So even though THG has been Greenlit I'm slightly disappointed that it has not spread like I would have hoped. Though lots of this comes from the fact I had to pull down the demo. Hopefully I can fix it soon and send it out, maybe that generates some buzz! :)

Alright long post so I better stop for now, thanks for reading!

Oh yeah, my wife baked a cake, it is delicious! :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Human Gallery is finally on Steam Greenlight

Hey! :)

Sorry it has been quiet for a little while. There has been so much to do for the Greenlight. Some of the smallest things can be the ones that are the hardest. But, I've finally listed The Human Gallery on Steam Greenlight! I did it yesterday and already the comments and stats are looking very encouraging.
Though it will be tricky to keep up as there are lots of new projects added daily. But I'm confident, and hopefully some of the medias will play the demo and write about it.

But yeah! When I listed to Greenlight I uploaded the first gameplay footage of the game. So far all the comments are suggesting that people are truly liking the art-style and overall atmosphere which is exactly what I'm after. All good so far! :)

Ah, Finnish Steam here. Almost missed that bit, so what that image shows from top to down is your current position on your way to top 100. Unique visitors, "Yes" votes and followers.

This whole preparing for Steam Greenlight has been pretty stressful and I have not been able to work on game's length, but now that I've listed the game I can't wait to move on new scenarios with the game. I've something wicked in my mind, it will be awesome!

When I listed my previous game Silence of the Sleep you needed a lot more votes to reach the top 100. I can also see a huge difference on average stats when compared to times I listed SotS. I think Steam is closing the Greenlight at some point, and maybe this is part of it. But I'm hoping I still get the permission to release before that happens!

But yes, to keep up I've sent a lots of email to various medias, hopefully they will write about the game. I've also contacted a bunch of Youtube LP's and MathasGames already played the demo and seemed to enjoy it! Hopefully a few more LP's will play it as well, though getting through to them is very difficult. Can't even imagine the amount of email they receive every day. I've also been using Twitter to spread the word, something I did not use with my previous game too much.

Simply put, I've been working extremely hard with the demo and I want it to get a fair shot. Hopefully things will go well!

Alright, if you're reading this and have not yet voted over Greenlight, could you please consider doing it? Also spreading the word is one of the best possible ways. If you have any good ideas how to share the word please drop a comment!

